Raw Mangoes In Coconut Curry (Ambuli Gashi)
Raw Mangoes In Coconut Curry (Ambuli Gashi)

You can make yummy coconut based curry using raw mangoes!! The curry turns out to be tangy, spicy and yum! Here's the recipe for you.

Jackfruit Payasam (Ponsa payasu)
Jackfruit Payasam (Ponsa payasu)

Jackfruit payasam is a desert, a sweet dish made from ripe jackfruits. It's also called gharai in Konkani.

Jackfruit Idli (Ponsa Idli)
Jackfruit Idli (Ponsa Idli)

Delicious, sweet idli's are made from ripe jackfruits. They are called as ponsa idli in Konkani. Here's the recipe to make yummy jackfruit idlis.

Jackfruit Fritters (Ponsa Mulik)
Jackfruit Fritters (Ponsa Mulik)

Sweet jackfruit fritters called as ponsa mulik in Konkani, are made using ripe jackfruits. They are crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. A yum snack!

Finger Millet Juice (Nanchane Udha)
Finger Millet Juice (Nanchane Udha)

Finger millet is ground with jaggery and cardamom to make a delicious drink. Another traditional summer drink. A very healthy drink.

Seasoned, shallow fried, roasted ivy gourds (Tendle Talasani)
Seasoned, shallow fried, roasted ivy gourds (Tendle Talasani)

Tendle talasani is a Konkani speciality. Ivy gourds are crushed, seasoned, shallow fried and roasted to make a yummy side dish for lunch, dinner.

Musk Melon/Cantaloupe/Honey Dew Melon Sweetdish (Chibda Hashale)
Musk Melon/Cantaloupe/Honey Dew Melon Sweetdish (Chibda Hashale)

Chibda hashale is a popular Konkani dessert, a sweet drink. Cantaloupe is paired with beaten rice in sweetened coconut milk and is flavoured with cardamom.

Drumstick Fritters (Mashinga Sanga Bajo)
Drumstick Fritters (Mashinga Sanga Bajo)

Konkani style yummy, spicy, crispy, crunchy, drumstick fritters. Called as mashinga sanga bajo in Konkani. They make a delicious starter for lunch, dinner.

Green Gram Juice (Muga Udha)
Green Gram Juice (Muga Udha)

Green gram juice is a traditional summer drink. This drink has cooling effects on your body and is a great, healthy drink.

Poppy Seeds Juice (Khus Khuse Udha)
Poppy Seeds Juice (Khus Khuse Udha)

Poppy seeds juice is a traditional summer drink. This drink is believed to have cooling effects on your body and is a great, healthy drink.