Brahmi/Centella is so so so nutritious with so many health benefits. My mom makes delicious chutney/tambli with them in just 5 minutes.
Here's Udupi cuisine’s banana stem chutney recipe.
Delicious ridge gourd peel chutney to go with dosas, idlis, steaming hot rice, curd rice or with congee.
Banana flowers are used to make yummy chutney and tambli. Makes a heavenly lunch, when it is had with a bowl of steaming hot rice and with congee.
Cassia tora, Taikilo in konkani is a monsoon herb seen only during monsoon season. The leaves are used to make yummy, coconut, curds based gravy's.
Cassia tora, Taikilo in konkani is a monsoon herb seen only during monsoon season. The leaves are used to make an yummy coconut based chutney.
Piyava thambali is crunchy, spring onions in spicy, red coconut chutney. A side dish with a bowl of steaming hot congee or rice is comfort food at its best!
A simple, quick, easy recipe for a yummy, tangy, spicy mango chutney! Have it with dosa, idli, rice, conjee or anything that you like, at any time of the day.
Chutney is a must be it with dosa or idli or any snack. Here is a variety of coconut chutney that we konkanis prepare to go with dosas and idlis.