Malabar spinach is cooked & is mixed with curds & a spicy coconut chutney. It is a very nutritious side dish to go with rice & makes a comforting meal.
Malabar spinach in coconut chutney is called as vali sasam in Konkani. A very nutritious accompaniment to go with rice. Side dish that makes a comforting meal.
Pathrado are spicy pinwheels prepared using colocasia leaves. Left over pathrade are stir fried with a flavourful seasoning, jaggery and coconut.
A flavourful, simple, healthy stir fry of basella/Malabar spinach. Called as vali upakari in Konkani which is served as a side dish in Konkani cuisine.
A coconut based spicy side dish prepared using malabar spinach (vali sukke in Konkani) is paired with dalithoy & a bowl of steaming hot rice. Comfort food!!
Tambli, a type of yoghurt and coconut based curry can be prepared using numerous spices and greens.
Batate upakari means potato stir fry. If you love poatoes you'll love this stir fry. An easy to prepare side dish that gets ready in no time.
Stir fry with fenugreek leaves, onions, capsicum is an amazing side dish that is sweet and spicy.
Tender bamboo shoots are a favourite among Konkani's. Keerla chakko/sukke is a dry, spicy coconut based side dish prepared with tender bamboo shoots.
Stir fries are called as upakari in konkani. Upakaris are very easy to prepare, make a simple, healthy, side dish with a flavourful seasoning.