A minimum of 5 ingredients have to be put together to serve as naivedya to the Lord they say, it is then served as Prasad. It's called panchakkajaya in Kannada, Konkani.
Here's a super easy prasad you can make if you have powdered puffed paddy.
Adjust measurements based on how much you are making, there’s no ratio or measurement to this.
If you don't have broken puffed paddy, powder whole ones in a dry mixer to get smaller pieces or powder of it.
Please use freshly grated coconut if not the ingredients will not mix well with each other.
Preparation method:
1. Mix fresh grated coconut with sugar nicely using your fingers.
2. Add in cardamom powder mix well.
3. Add in broken puffed paddy & mix well.
4. Add in ghee and mix well.
5. If using sesame, dry roast sesame seeds on high flame while tossing them around until they start to pop or start to change in colour.
Let it cool, add to the mixture, mix well.
Laya pitta sakare panchakajjaya is ready.
There are other panchakajjayas you can make easily too. There are other puffed paddy - laya panchakkajjayas too. Find them here
Tags: Ganesh Chaturthi, Chauthi Prasad, recipe