A variety of colocasia plants are used in Konkani cooking. All along the western ghats and coastal Karnataka we see a variety of colocasia plants. Some are available in abundance throughout the year, while some are available in abundance only during the monsoons.
With onset of monsoon, colocasia plants grow in abundance all along coastal Karnataka. All varieties of colocasia grow like weeds all around. These varieties of colocasia available along coastal Karnataka and that are used in Konkani cooking are listed below. The difference in texture, thickness of the leaves & stems of different varieties of colocasia which make them suitable for particular type of dish and for particular type of cooking.
Most common varieties of colocasia used in Konkani cooking in Udupi, Mangalore, Kundapur regions are:
Konkani’s have been using this family of plants for colocasia corms, colocasia leaves, colocasia stems over centuries now. Konkani's have adored colocasia unlike any other veggie & come up with such delicious recipes. They have come up with wonderful ways to use every part of colocasia to make a variety of delicacies.
If there’s one thing that can drive the foodie in Konkani’s crazy, that’s luscious colocasia plants, called as alva paan in Konkani. On seeing colocasia plants, we have a great urge to make some delectable, spicy pathrado using colocasia leaves. Soft, steaming hot pathrode (colocasia leaves pinwheels) with loads of coconut oil on top are a real treat!! Konkani’s love for pathrado and colocasia leaves is undescribable! Pathrado is truly the KING of Konkani cuisine.
We also make a number of other delicacies using:
1. Colocasia leaves (alva paan in Konkani)
2. Colocasia stems (Alva panna dentu in Konkani)
Tender and mature colocasia stems are used to make:
3. Colocasia tubers/corms (maddi in Konkani)
4. Colocasia plant roots are also used to make spicy side dishes called as alva mula sukke or alva ganti sukke or kal alva ganti sukke in Konkani.
There are certain tips you need to follow while you forage for colocasia leaves and cook colocasia leaves & stems. Read them here.
Type 1 colocasia: Pandalva paan in Konkani
Scientific name: Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott
Dishes you can make using this variety of colocasia:
Colcoasia leaves of this variety are perfect for making:
Type 2 colocasia: Tere paan in Konkani
Scientific name: Colocasia esculenta
Dishes you can make using this variety of colocasia:
Colcoasia leaves of this variety are perfect for making:
Type 3 colocasia: Marvala paan in Konkani
Dishes you can make with this variety of colocasia:
Type 4 colocasia: Bombay alvo in Konkani
This variety of colocasia grows as two varieties: the white stemed and the black stemed colocasia plants.
White stemed colocasia plants:
The colocasia variety with white stems are called dhavi bombay alvo or dhavi bombay alva paan in Konkani. Pictures are below:
Black stemed colocasia plants:
This variety of colocasia with black stems are called kali bombay alva paan or kali bombay alvo in Konkani. Notice the colour of the stem in the pictures below:
Dishes you can make with the above varieties of colocasia:
Colocasia leaves of this variety are used to make:
Type 5 colocasia: Chitte paan in Konkani
Scientific name: Caladium bicolor
Chitte paan is the Konkani name for pigmented colocasia leaves. They come in different colours and varieties.
You'll see a few different varities of Calladiums here.
Dishes you can make with this variety:
There are varieties of colocasia whose leaves aren't used in Konkani cooking, but are said to be used in cooking in other parts of India. They are:
Elephant ears: The huge colocasia leaves of this variety aren't used in Konkani cooking.
Swamp Taro:
Scientific name: Cyrtosperma chamissonis
This variety comes with huge leaves and these varities give rise to colocasia tubers underground.
Note: The scientific names have been referred from http://indiabiodiversity.org/species/show/229293. That site has all necessary info with respect to the geography, growth conditions for colocasia. Intrested folks take a look. Do let me know if there's any mistake with respect to my identification. Please let me know if there's a mistake in the scientific names mentioned.
Tags: colocasia, alva paan, taro plants, colocasia leaves, types of colocasia, Konkani cooking, Konkani cuisine, Konkani recipes with colocasia.